
SJCOE Payroll Services

Staff Directory

Submitting Your Timesheet for Supplemental Payroll

Timesheets are due no later than the 21st of every month. If the 21st falls on a Saturday or Sunday, your timesheet is due on the Friday before.

Please turn in your timesheet directly to the department you work for no later than the 21st of each month. You can find your department’s designated person by clicking on this link: Timesheet notification Aug 2021.pdf

Effective Immediately, we will no longer accept electronic copies of timesheets; this includes but is not limited to scanned or emailed copies and the drop box at the Nelson Building will be removed.
Please submit your timesheet to your department representative.

How to Submit Changes

For all W-4, DE-4 and employee changes, email to request an electronic form.

Attendance/ Workers’ Compensation

Employee Pre-Approved Leave Request Form
No-Tell Day/PN Use Notification Form
Overtime/Comp Pre-Approval Form

Retirement Services

Listed below are the retirement systems for SJCOE employees. Contact Payroll Services with any questions you may have regarding your retirement at


SJCOE employees are eligible to participate in 403(b) and 457(b) tax-sheltered retirement plans. Numerous 403(b) plans are available; refer to the 403b Compare website for a list of participating vendors. Representatives from America Fidelity and Mass Mutual are on site monthly and are available to meet with employees. Contact Payroll Services to schedule your appointment.

403b compare American Fidelity Mass Mutual TDS Group

AB 1522 – Healthy Workplace/Healthy Family Act of 2014 Information

Assembly Bill 1522, requiring California employers to offer paid sick leave to employees who do not currently earn paid sick leave, became effective July 1, 2015. Please see the documents below for more details:

Paid sick leave notification letter