
Our Services

Our diverse team of educators are here to develop successful partnerships with districts and schools within San Joaquin County to enhance, strengthen, and support the academic success of all our students.

Equity-Based Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework

Data, Assessment, and Accountability

Teaching & Leading

In partnership with our educational community, the Continuous Improvement and Support team leads with equity, designs and facilitates relevant and innovative learning that fosters relationships, and is responsive to students and adult needs.

As the primary partners with San Joaquin County educational agencies, we ensure equity and that every student is college, career, and life ready.

Differentiated Assistance
Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), county offices of education are the first point of contact for school districts eligible for additional support, also known as differentiated assistance. School districts are the primary drivers of the type of assistance and support they receive under California’s new accountability and improvement system for education. The SJCOE collaborates with districts identified by the state through the California School Dashboard. Next steps depend on the needs and decisions of the districts. The SJCOE is available to provide additional support and services.