
Related Service Providers

(209) 468.9279 • Staff Directory

Adapted Physical Education Itinerant Services
This service provides supporting programs for students who have a special education Individual Education Plan (IEP) for services due to a Federally defined disability and who need specialized, adapted physical education for balance, coordination, and other motor and spatial needs.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant Services
students who have various degrees of hearing loss, but are able to benefit educationally from full-time placement in the mainstream setting.

Language, Speech, and Hearing Specialists Itinerant Services
This program provides speech and language services and interventions to students placed in a variety of special and regular education programs throughout the San Joaquin SELPA.

Visually Impaired and Orientation and Mobility Itinerant Services
These services provide support and special interventions for students who have various degrees of visual loss, but are able to benefit educationally from full-time placement in the mainstream setting.

Occupational Therapy Services
This program provides specialized services in fine/perceptual motor training, daily living skills, and sensory motor integration for students requiring service to benefit from their educational placement.

Behavior Specialists
Behavior Specialists provide consultation to staff, parents, and services to students requiring specialized behavioral support in order to benefit from their educational placement.

School Nursing Services
School Nursing Services provide specialized support, assessment, medical, specialized feeding, and other interventions to students placed in San Joaquin County Office of Education Special Education programs, as well as consultation to districts in San Joaquin SELPA.